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+AI Founding Member Application Form

About You

How did you first hear about the +AI Community?
From a friend or colleague

Your AI Experience

How familiar are you with ChatGPT and AI tools?
I’ve never touched it—I’m here to learn from scratch.
I’ve used it for simple tasks like editing, writing, or getting a recipe.
I use it daily to help me think through problems and brainstorm new ideas.
I’m already offloading work using AI and automations.

Your AI Interests

What are you most excited to explore within the +AI Community? (choose all that apply)
If you could have regular access to a type of advisor, who would it be? (choose one)
Financial planner
Business Coach
Behavioral Economist

Your Commitment to Building This Community

Please check all that apply.

Scheduling Preferences

What time works best for our weekly live sessions? (select one)
Tuesdays at 8am PST
Thursdays at 10am PST
Neither of these times work for me

Looking Ahead

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